Reference material (RM) means a material or substance one or more properties of which are sufficiently well established to be used for the calibration of an apparatus, the assessment of a measurement test method, or for assigning values to materials or quality control. The property values associated with uncertainties are derived from a combination of subsets of proficiency test data, homogeneity testing and stability testing.
Certified Reference material (CRM) means a material or substance one or more properties are certified by a technically valid procedure and associated with uncertainties. The property value(s) are metrological traceable to International Standard Unit(s) and be used for the calibration of an apparatus, the assessment of a measurement test method, or for assigning values to materials.CRMs can also serve the purpose of demonstrating the equivalence of methods, enabling laboratories to follow the development of new analytical instrumentation, in particular when the certification has been based on the use of different analytical techniques. The analyst may compare the performance of his/her method with those from other laboratories and/or other techniques without the need for participating in interlaboratory studies. This sort of comparison is essential when harmonization of measurements is required at an international level.
CIMEC (RMP Division) has done studies and research for years to produce the CRMs/ RMs. The study involves to establish the material processing methodologies to produce the homogeneous CRMs/RMs and stable for the years with respect to its properties. CIMEC (RMP Division) produce Certified Reference Material (CRM) and Reference Material (RM) following the process in accordance with ISO 17034-2016.
CRM/RM No. | Material | Parameter(s) | Quantity (Per Set) | Price Per Set (INR) | Action |
CRM-9002 Batch 2022A | Ordinary Portland Cement (Low Fineness) | Surface Area (Fineness by Blaine’s Air Permeability) | One set of 4 vials (10 g Each vial) | Get quote for price | View |
CRM-9003 Batch 2022A | Portland Pozzolana Cement | Surface Area (Fineness by Blaine’s Air Permeability) | One set of 4 vials (10 g Each vial) | Get quote for price | View |
CRM-9009 Batch 2022A | Fly Ash | Surface Area (Fineness by Blaine’s Air Permeability) | One set of 4 vials (10 g Each vial) | Get quote for price | View |
RM-9102 Batch 2021A | Portland Pozzolana Cement (Chem. Properties) | IR, Al2O3, CaO, Fe2O3, LOI, MgO, SiO2, SO3, Na2O, K2O, Cl | One set of 4 vials (5 g Each vial) | Get quote for price | View |
RM-9106 Batch 2021A | Fly Ash (Chem. Properties) | LOI, Al2O3, CaO, Fe2O3, MgO, SiO2, SO3, Cl | One set of 4 vials (5 g Each vial) | Get quote for price | View |
RM-9010 | Hydrated Lime (For Lime Reactivity Test) | CaO, SiO2, MgO, IR | One set of 3 Packs (Each Pack 160 g) | Get quote for price | View |
RM-9000A | Sand (Reference Material) (Grade I) | Particle size: Smaller 2 mm and greater than 1 mm | 1 Kg Pack | Get quote for price | View |
RM-9000B | Sand (Reference Material) (Grade II) | Particle size: Smaller 1 mm and greater than 500 micron | 1 Kg Pack | Get quote for price | View |
RM-9000C | Sand (Reference Material) (Grade III) | Particle size: Smaller 500 micron and greater than 90 micron | 1 Kg Pack | Get quote for price | View |
SS-9000A | Standard Sand (Grade I) | Particle size: Smaller 2 mm and greater than 1 mm | 25 Kg Bag | Get quote for price | View |